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E.E. Smith 100 Academy 2nd Annual Youth Empowerment Conference

The E. E. Smith 100 Academy mentoring program will present the 2nd Youth Empowerment Conference, Saturday March 9, 2019. The Conference will be held at E. E. Smith High School 1800 Seabrook Rd. Who will replace the leaders of today? What are the characteristics of a successful person, leader or citizen? Well join the 100 Academy for a day of meaningful activities and interactive discussions that will be sure to help you unleash the Leader Within You! Someone must replace our present Leaders in our schools, community, government and even our Country. The Conference will focus on several topics that will help one to be a winner at life, Education Enrichment, Leadership, Economic Empowerment, Healthy Life Style, Positive Attitudes and Mentoring Others. Interact with the presenters that are leaders and experts on these topics. The Conference is designed to help Prepare You to Be Leaders of The Future.

Seats are limited. Register online now at  or  and feel the explosion of the leader within you.

For more information call/ email: Coach Smith (910) 977-2120 /

Coach Purcell (910) 4830153 / “Remember: “If in your mine you can Conceive it and, in your heart, you truly Believe it, then you will, you can, you shall Achieve it”.


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